The Renaissance, Platonic Love and the Nous of Anaxagoras

Was there ever just a single god concept in pagan Classical Greek life science and if so, what might we consider to be its basic properties?

The philosopher, Anaxagoras, narrowly escaped execution for demeaning the sun god. He declared that this god was really a blazing hot metallic object in the sky, which was bigger than the Peloponnesus and that the moon reflected its light. He also made accurate predictions about such things as measuring the diameter of the earth and its distance from the sun.

Anaxagoras brought the magic of scientific inquiry from Ionia to Athens to establish the basis of the Classical Greek life science. The principal force belonging to Anaxagoras’ infinite scientific world view was called the Nous, a whirling force that acted upon primordial particles to form the worlds and evolve intelligence. The Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy, based upon Plato’s axiom that all is geometry, was to fuse ethics into the Nous to make a science so that civilisation would not become extinct.

Modern science readily accepts that fractal geometrical logic extends to infinity. Present Western culture demands all life in the universe must be totally destroyed when all of its heat radiates off into cold space. Therefore life cannot belong to the infinite functioning of fractal logic. Western Universities have chapels for spiritual enlightenment, however, the 3rd Century BCE Atomistic science of universal love has no pragmatic value in accepted modern scientific education. This is Dark Age barbaric ignorance. Plato’s spiritual engineering principles were translated by Buckminster Fuller into synergetic energy principles that are now basic to the life science recently established by the three 1996 Nobel Laureates in Chemistry.

We can immediately recognise that Sir Isaac Newton’s force of gravity formed the worlds of the Nous. Newton’s universe, contrary to modern science was infinite. His unpublished more profound natural philosophy to balance the mechanical description of the universe was based upon the same fractal physics principles that upheld Classical Greek life science. Newton’s letters of 1692 – 1693 to Richard Bentley linked light with gravity to provide a biological evolutionary guidance function explaining Anaxagoras’ force governing the evolution of universal intelligence, a concept now at the cutting edge of quantum biology.

The Platonic definition of good was that it was for the health of the universe. By developing a life science which harmonised with the Classical Greek Music of the Spheres, civilisation could avoid extinction. Plato, in his Timaeus, wrote that evil, whatever it was, was a destructive property of unformed matter within the atom. As the Greek atom was physically indivisible, it can be considered that Plato was referring to atomic radiation or nuclear detonation. Cicero noted that the teachers of the 3rd Century BCE science of universal love were called saviours. The concept that such teachers were in some way associating Platonic love with a science to avoid some future atomic destruction may well be relevant today within in a world being threatened by nuclear disaster.

Cosimo Medici in the 15th Century appointed Marcillio Fincino to head the Florentine Platonic Academy, which had been banished from Rome in the 6th Century by the Christian Emperor Justinian. Ficino’s atoms of the immortal soul were compatible with Hypatia’s fractal mathematics that was banished from all Western life sciences during the 5th century by St Augustine. Ficino was very careful to portray Platonic love as a Christian attribute thus avoiding the fate that befell the scientist, Giordano Bruno, in 1600. After lecturing about the infinite science of universal love at Oxford University, Bruno was lured back to Rome, imprisoned, tortured, then burnt alive by the Christian Church.

The sharing of infinite wealth within holographic space-time reality produces a technological logic in which war becomes irrational. Perhaps collective humanity, by becoming aware of a universal spiritual environmental responsibility, might act to preserve its healthy evolution. The relevant new technologies may be consistent with our most ennobling loving Platonic prayers.

By Professor Robert Pope
Copyright © Robert Pope 2010.